36 Things That Took Me 36 Years To Learn (by Rob Morgan)

Rob Morgan
2 min readJul 21, 2021
  1. The idea of “Normal” is a made-up construct.
  2. Nobody cares if you can’t sing well. Never pass on your turn during karaoke.
  3. Almost no one’s mind has ever been changed in the comment section of Facebook.
  4. For the smoothest flight, choose the aisle above the wing.
  5. Those most interested in sharing their politics or religion with you rarely want you to share yours with them.
  6. A bottle of whiskey opens every door.
  7. Buying music gear is often the fantasy that you can buy talent.
  8. Today is “the good old days.”
  9. What people love about what you do, and what people despise about what you do, will often be the same thing.
  10. Most first-year marriage problems are often just roommate problems.
  11. Ownership is a myth.
  12. People want to hire people who are already working.
  13. Be a perfectionist but focus on achieving it over a long period of time and over multiple drafts.
  14. It’s better to be more interested in ideas than I am in things.
  15. Pretend you’re the host, even if it’s not your party.
  16. A toast is the ultimate act of inclusion.
  17. Someone who is nice to you but rude to the waitstaff is not a nice person.
  18. I never learned a damn thing while talking.
  19. If you want people to find you interesting, be interested.
  20. Invest in people who ask you questions.
  21. Spend your money on experiences, not stuff.
  22. “No” is a complete sentence.
  23. Write shit down.
  24. learn how to read metaphorically.
  25. If possible, use fewer words.
  26. Most religions aren’t contradictory. They’re just telling the same stories using different words.
  27. A person’s name is their favorite word. Learn it and use it often.
  28. Being curious and motivated counts for more than being smart.
  29. People who can’t control their emotions are often compelled to control other people‘s behavior.
  30. “Quote Yourself.” — Rob Morgan
  31. People only say, “It’s a free country.” when they’re doing something shitty.
  32. Trust your gut, and also know that first impressions are often wrong.
  33. Learn to master the art of “The Irish Exit.”
  34. Almost every goal I ever met was thanks to compound interest.
  35. Life isn’t binary
  36. Travel has shown me that my way of doing things is not shared by the entirety of humanity, and may not be the best way.

For The Curious…

Rob Morgan is an internationally touring bassist and music director who keeps a weather eye out for the curious. He can be found online at www.therobmorgan.com




Rob Morgan

Internationally touring bassist who keeps a weather eye out for the curious. www.therobmorgan.com